- 請以手提電腦或桌上型電腦開啟Microsoft Edge瀏覽器(舊稱IE瀏覽器)
2. 登入TronClass教學系統 (非TronClass流動應用程式)
3. 點擊左上角的按鈕【應用中心】
4. 點擊左側【畢業文件下載】
– 此服務僅適用於自2024年6月19日起的本校畢業生,往屆畢業生恕無法使用。
– 使用其他瀏覽器可能導致電子畢業證書及畢業總成績單下載功能無法正常運作,故建議使用MicrosoftEdge瀏覽器(https://www.microsoft.com/zh-tw/edge/download?form=MA13FJ)。
– 電子檔以PDF格式呈現,若畢業生自行以該檔案列印文本後提交、傳送或郵寄,請確認收件單位可接受此方式。
– 教務處僅彌封(即以信封蓋章密封)、郵寄由本處印製的紙本證明原件,故學生自行列印、複製的畢業證書及成績單不可辦理上述服務。
– 電子畢業證書及畢業總成績單僅學生端可見,故於頒發畢業證書原件前,本處無法提供畢業證書及畢業總成績單副本彌封、蓋章、郵寄等服務,敬請見諒。
– 可下載電子畢業證書及畢業總成績單不代表畢業生可同步領取紙本原件。獲大學學術委員會審議授予學位後,畢業生約一個月後才能領取紙本原件,具體領取時間以各學院通知為準。上述紙本原件不予重發,敬請畢業生們注意保管。
– 對畢業證明仍有需求的應屆畢業生,有關申請方式請瀏覽大學官網教務處頁面,常見問題第十點:https://registry.cityu.edu.mo/%e5%b8%b8%e8%a6%8b%e5%95%8f%e9%a1%8c-2/。
辦公時間:星期一至五9:00 – 12:45 & 13:45-18:00
To provide more user-friendly and efficient services, starting from June 19, 2024, graduates from our university will be able to download their Graduation Certificates and Final Transcript of Academic Record via the TronClass System after 3 working days of The University Academic Committee has approved for the award of the degree. The steps are as follows:
1. Log in to the TronClass System (Not the TronClass App) through the Microsoft Edge browser (formerly Internet Explorer) by laptop or PC.
2.Click the “App Center” button from the top left-hand side.
3.Click “Download Graduation File” icon on the left side.
-This service is only available to students graduating from our university starting from June 19, 2024 temporarily. Graduates from previous academic years cannot use this service until further notification.
-Using other browsers may cause malfunction. Therefore, it is recommended to use Microsoft Edge (https://www.microsoft.com/zh-tw/edge/download?form=MA13FJ).
-The electronic files are presented in PDF format. If graduates print these files themselves for submission, transmission, or mailing, please ensure that the addressee accepts this method.
-The Registry only seals (i.e., stamps and seals in an envelope) and mails the original paper certificates printed by our office. Therefore, the self-printed or copied Graduation Certificates and Transcripts by students cannot be used for the above services.
-The electronic Graduation Certificate and Final Transcript of Academic Record is only visible to the student. Therefore, before the original Graduation Certificate is issued, Registry cannot provide sealed, stamped, or mailed copies of the Graduation Certificate and Final Transcript of Academic Record. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
– Graduates cannot receive the original paper copies at the same time even if the electronic Graduation Certificate and Final Transcript of Academic Record is available to download. After the degree is conferred by the University Academic Committee, the original paper copies will approximately be ready one month later. The collection time will be notified by each Faculty. The original paper versions will not be reissued for any reasons, so graduates are advised to keep them properly.
-For current graduates who still need Certificate of Graduation Status, please refer to the official website of the Registry for application methods, specifically FAQ number 10: https://registry.cityu.edu.mo/en/faq/
City University of Macau
Email Address: registry@cityu.edu.mo
Office Hours: Mon to Fri 9:00 – 12:45 & 13:45-18:00
(Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays)